
УДК 159.9
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Serge А. Chetvertakov

Pitcher of Maslchet - Psychology from the Fear of Pain to Conscience. Second Edition, revised, 2018. - 708 p. (russian lang.)
ISBN 978-5-4493-5676-5

Content of book on the third lower level

Introduction to the first edition

Introduction to the second edition

1. Evolution. Life. Psyche. Information

1.1. Life and its Definition
1.1.1. Three matters for understanding
1.1.2. The idea of an open system does not determine the properties of life
1.1.3. Evolution is the key to Life concept. Random condensations and decays
1.1.4. Growth in size and stability. Three functions of Life
1.1.5. Adaptation as the principle of natural selection and Wiener’s model
1.1.6. Reproduction as catalysis in RNA world
1.1.7. The difference between adaptations and functions of the Living
1.2. The Origin of Nervous System as a Psyche in Evolution
1.2.1. Specialization of nerve tissues and cells
1.2.2. Specialization of organs in multicellular organisms
1.2.3. The highest specialization for directional motion of Animals
1.2.4. Eusociality of ants and bees as failure in Evolution
1.2.5. Psyche – the highest system of Life adaptation
1.2.6. Psychology – the science on psychical functions
1.3. What is Information?
1.3.1. Sensation and behavior - How to connect them?
1.3.2. Information – what is it? What is required for adaptation?
1.3.3. Information is useful properties of Environment and Own Activity, Isn’t it?
1.3.4. What has Wiener said and how others haven’t understood him?
1.3.5. Information.Getting.Significance.Transferring
1.3.6. What kind of memory is required to adapt?
1.3.7. The problem of Relevance of Environment and Information 
1.4. The main functions of Psyche and its additional tasks
1.4.1. Additional functions of Psyche
1.4.2. The Simple and the Highest Psyche of Animals

2. Need. Memory. Automaticity. Language. Consciousness

2.1.  To Understand the Psyche, Developing the Adaptive Machine
2.1.1. Manner of presentation – the creation of artificial Psyche
2.1.2. Adaptive machine (AM) - difference from robots
2.1.3. Important elements of project
2.1.4. Experimental environment of survival for prototype
2.1.5. Few terms. Sensation and perception
2.1.6. Project requirements to environment, sensation and perception
2.1.7. Plan for our designing AM
2.2. The Energy Self-supply as the First Function of Life
2.2.1. How to convert deficit of Energy to behavior?
2.2.2. Searching of food and approach.
2.2.3. Approach, contact, grab (seizure) and taste test
2.2.4. Subconscious Decision on Usefulness of taste. Reception and swallowing
2.2.5. Remember tasty - this one, and stop eating - the other
2.2.6. Neutral environment. What usefulness of information is in uselessness of object
2.2.7. Analysis of results and its synthesis
2.3. Dispatcher of Behavior or the Need?
2.3.1. Starter-Brakes or Dispatcher? It's all? And nothing more?
2.3.2. The Tension of adaptation process
2.3.3. From Instincts to Theory of Conditional Reflexes
2.3.4. Theory of Sechenov and dominant of Uhtomsky
2.3.5. Clark Hull – Norbert Wiener predecessor
2.3.6. Professors Sechenov, Uhtomsky, Hull and Wiener and Mrs. Need
2.4. Providing Security As the Second Function of Life
2.4.1. Growth of dangers and their choice in environment
2.4.2. The danger is secondary in Evolution and Ontogenesis
2.4.3. Detection of the danger throw getting (having) pain
2.4.4. The pain in body as security Zero
2.4.5. The Need to relieve pain and chaotic behavior
2.4.6. Pain in hunger – the beginning of need’s hierarchy
2.4.7. Who does hierarchy of needs in the psyche?
2.4.8. How does the first foundation of Good will arise?
2.4.9. Content and Hierarchy of needs depends on environment
2.4.10. The appearance of anesthesia in evolution
2.4.11. Salvation from Pain and preservation of information
2.4.12. How to save and write down the experience of pain?
2.4.13. How Evolution did pain with fear replace?
2.4.14. Fear disappears in automaticity of behavior
2.4.15. When hunger becomes more important than pain
2.4.16. Fear as inhibition of aggression. The first reflection of the Live
2.5. Anticipation is the first function of the Animal based on the experience of the second function
2.5.1. The anticipation reflects the ability to satisfy the need
2.5.2. Inversion of associative relation - Who does it?
2.5.3. Anticipation is a positive prediction of the subconscious
2.5.4. Anticipation and its relation with dopamine
2.5.5. Dopamine as the sign of valuable information
2.5.6. Dopamine and fear. Negative prediction of subconscious
2.6. No-empty memory. Role of the Novelty and Changes in the Environment
2.6.1. Novelty and the case of a animal defense reaction
2.6.2. Novelty and the case of animal investigate behavior
2.6.3. Memory. Simplicity of annulment usefulness of information
2.6.4. Memory. Difficulty of annulment of fears
2.6.5. The logical conclusion to the action of memory is "God saves everything"
2.6.6. Memory in the presentation of psychophysiology - different interpretations
2.7. Functions of the psyche of animals and the structure of memory. Memory association in the Wiener model
2.7.1. Association - a classic idea of memory and its use
2.7.2. Model of Wiener and Effects of associations
2.7.3. The memory of higher animals is a hierarchical associative structure from the place of birth
2.7.4. Functions of the animal psyche – output of Project
2.8. Automaticity. Its Advantage and Negative Consequences
2.8.1. Converting Behavior into automaticity
2.8.2. The Automaticity cancels fear when it is ahead of
2.9. Substitution of Needs Saves the Psyche
2.9.1. Substitution of needs in general
2.9.2. True. Need. The mechanism of substitution
2.10. Congenital Reflexes and Acquired Habits. How to Teach Children
2.10.1. Congenital reflexes and acquired automaticity  as associations
2.10.2. Congenital reflexes and instincts of utility and fear
2.10.3. Acquired fears of first days
2.10.4. Testing the Environment for Good
2.10.5. A Secure World Built on Faith, Instead of Defense
2.10.6. Imprinting of Animals as Information on base of Faith
2.10.7. Copying on faith in animals and children
2.10.8. The Beginning of personal education
2.11. The functional significance of emotions in Animals
2.11.1. General view - emotion is involuntary
2.11.2. Are emotions the cause of behavior?
2.11.3. Emotion - attitude or comments to the process of adaptation   
2.11.4. We do not confuse the behavior of animals and humans. But why do we confuse their emotions?
2.11.5. Simply emotions and their attachment to adaptation
2.11.6. Feelings according to E.P. Il'in in relation to the Maslow need list
2.11.7. Emotions reflect needs and their spectrum is expanding
2.11.8. Evolution and differentiation of emotions
2.11.9. What is the error of the thesis "behavior is determined by emotions"
2.11.10. The main function of emotions is communication
2.12. Imagination and Will of the Animal - a window into consciousness
2.12.1. Imaginations of animals are always momentary
2.12.2. The beginning of consciousness. Will and the heavy burden of choice
2.13. On Origins of Human
2.13.1. Communication. Information. Sign and Meaning. Language and Adaptation
2.13.2. The language of animals is built on the unity of the sign and the meaning of emotions
2.13.3. To the history of the appearance of the language as emotion's transfer in Animals
2.13.4. The crisis of the environment and the delayed preanthropic need satisfied in labor
2.13.5. Labor. Growth of imagination and will. Appearance of new meanings
2.13.6. To convey new meanings as experience in the old way is impossible - language appears
2.13.7. To Kant:"simple ideas" of generalizations, space, time and causes are not a priori
2.13.8. How does understanding, language, integration and generalization occur in childhood?
2.13.9. Properties of meanings, signs and universal model of the World
2.13.10. Why the will is needed instead of instinct and emotion
2.13.11. Manipulation of the meaning of a new language as a process of "motivation"
2.13.12. To the history of the term ‘motivation”
2.13.13. Motivation in expanded Wiener’s model
2.13.14. Prefrontal cortex – a place of linking meanings
2.13.15. Work area or prefrontal cortex - desktop for consciousness
2.13.16. Automaticity. Man in rules and habits get boredom
2.13.17. Automaticity. It satisfies the need but does not cancel it
Automaticity. How the needs "disappear"
2.13.19. Substitution of behavior and substitution of needs

3.    Hierarchy of Needs MASLCHET

3.1. History – reflexes, goals or needs
3.2. The creation of the theory. The main ideas and the way to them
3.3. Is there a need for pain relief?

3.4. Elimination of fear of pain as a need for safety 1 (I)
3.4.1. The fear of death in man is built on consciousness
3.4.2. The list of needs comes from the goal of motivation
3.5. Physiological needs
3.6. The need to provide resources or safety 2 (II)
З.6.1. The first cultural need is concern for comfort
3.6.2. Resources – a means of ensuring the need for comfort
3.7. The need for love and belonging
3.7.1. Love in the family and her hormonal support
3.7.2. The place of Love in the hierarchy and its support by the physiology of the organism
3.7.3. Love – a genesis factor of the clan-tribe system
3.7.4. Love as a culture and as a language learning stimulation
3.7.5. Family – security, help, work and altruism
3.7.6. Family – rest and recovery of participants
3.7.7. Sex or love? - Love!
3.8. Need of belongingness – separately
3.8.1. Belonging – is it a need?
3.8.2. The uniqueness of belonging lies in the duration of the achievement or meet of need
3.8.3. Is there any evidence of importance?
3.8.4. Is not this the reason for nationalism?
3.8.5. When are the needs of love and belonging satisfied?
3.9. The need for communion
3.9.1. Communication in three senses
3.9.2. Communion as affiliation in children and adults
3.9.3. Communion over belonging
3.9.4. What is required in communication?
3.9.5. When communion is not a need, but a communication as part of motivation. The mistake of P.V. Simonov
3.9.6. The search for novelty in communion without a goal and as a need for diversity
3.9.7. Degradation of consciousness in the World and in Russia - a number of reasons
3.9.8. Love, belonging and communion in the past and now
3.9.9. On the inclusion of the need for communion in the hierarchy
3.10. The need of esteem or safety 3 (III)
3.10.1. Ranking in animals. War and Peace. Status resource
3.10.2. On the place for respect in the hierarchy of needs
3.10.3. Social Darwinism and its first denial in anthropogenesis
3.10.4. Dynamics of status resources. Status Types
3.10.5. Ethical standards - From Moses to Kant
3.10.6. Respecting the other as our positive expectation. Why?
3.10.7. Fake of status resources
3.10.8. Determining the need of esteem
3.10.9. Generalization. Social basic needs – their growth and interrelationship
3.11. The meta-creativity
3.11.1. Is self-actualization the only thing in the growth of personality? Mistake of Maslow
3.11.2. What needs arise in our spare time?
3.11.3. Determining the need of creativity in psychology
3.11.4. Creativity at the level of physiology
3.11.5. The place of creativity in the hierarchy
3.11.6. The mechanism of launching is a recollection on something
3.11.7. The memory is the Third environment of Human needs&activity
3.11.8. Good and Harm of creativity
3.11.9. Types of creativity needs – meta base and meta pure needs
3.11.10. On the causes and correlation of the distribution of types of creativity
3.11.11. Meta base creativity. Advantages and Evil
3.11.12. Meta pure creativity. Good and Disadvantages
3.11.13. Creativity is innate or acquired?
3.11.14. A number of meta-needs and one final focus or orientation
3.11.15. Is it true that labor makes a person free?
3.11.16. And should all be creators? Harm and problems
3.11.17. On knowledge, aesthetics and self-actualization
3.11.18. Creativity and Boundaries of Freedom
3.12. The need of self-esteem or conscience
3.12.1. Why self-esteem is not respect. One more M-mistake
3.12.2. Self-esteem is a meta-need as the highest personal alarm in the need hierarchy
3.12.3. Is self-esteem possible without respect? Two cultures of respect
3.12.4. The first culture is informal respect (with regard to resources)
3.12.5. Respect in the sense of "not disturbing others" destroys itself
3.12.6. Conclusions: Self-respect is a function of respect, but not in everyone
3.12.7. Self-esteem. From the fear of the environment to its management
3.12.8. The fear of the environment may be objective and subjective
3.12.9. Fear of the environment. One day's life results in anomie
3.12.10. The first codes of ethics and commandments. Is this a conscience?
3.12.11. Ethical norms on faith. Their cost price and their strength
3.12.12. Norms and traditions on faith. Their weakness
3.12.13. From traditions through Christianity and Feudalism to Science
3.12.14. Science and creativity - the fourth function of Human
3.12.15. Conclusions on the relationship of esteem, creativity and self-esteem
3.12.16. From self-respect to the definition of conscience and personal morality
3.12.17. Conscience. Theories based on intuition
3.12.18. Kant. From intuitivism in conscience to pure creativity
3.12.19. Conscience. Theory of Evolution. The terms. Variations of understanding and problems
3.12.20. The place of self-esteem and conscience in the hierarchy
3.12.21. Conscience personal and social. Differences
3.12.22. Conscience: history, social tools, questions and future
3.12.23. Conscience. History of origin
3.12.24. Conscience. Criticism of the concept and objection
3.12.25. Conscience. Life without it is "the iron hand of history"
3.12.26. Conscience. The results of social conscience movements
3.12.27. Conscience. Is it from God, Mind or Environment?
3.12.28. Conscience is the feedback of creativity
3.12.29. Conscience is a means of developing morality and laws
3.12.30. Do we need conscience for everyone?
3.12.31. What to do with meta base creativity?
3.12.32. What to do with ambiguity of conscientious decisions?
3.12.33. Future. Why there are not enough conscientious people
3.12.34. Future. Reasons for optimism
3.12.35. Future. Golden Rule. Assets and liabilities
3.13. Hierarchy of needs MASLCHET in general
3.13.1. Composition of the hierarchy of needs
3.13.2. Social needs and development needs
3.13.3. Assignment of the motivational theory MASLCHET
3.13.4. A new view is not a pyramid, but a pitcher with Esteem as bottleneck
3.13.5. Definition of the human psyche
3.13.6. Determining the need in general
3.13.7. Environment – three sources of needs
3.13.8. Hierarchy of needs - a group of axioms
3.13.9. The quality of the forecast based on axioms
3.13.10. On the significance of the Maslow-3 theory for psychology
3.13.11. On the importance of Maslow's theory for society
3.13.12. The theory is full of social issues



Table of contents

